Monday, February 18, 2008

I Rode!

Wow, a day to end all days! I have a day off, I re-start blogging, AND I go for a bike ride. I should buy a lotto ticket.

A modest beginning, definitely. 8 miles with mild rollers. A more traveled cyclist would not have even noticed the length or the difficulty, but it was a very good first workout of the year for me.

Thanks to Belinda, my assistant store manager for today. Yesterday, before we opened the store, we had relay races on the sales floor. Laps of racing with rolling chairs, soft carts and bicycles. I rode the bicycle. Normally I ride with a helmet. It's the safe and sane thing to do, but yesterday I didn't. I rode fast enough inside the store that I caught wind and I felt it flowing though my hair. You cannot imagine how good that felt to me at that moment. For the rest of the day all I wanted to do was to go outside and feel the wind again. I felt like I had just awaken from a long deep sleep. I wanted to feel sun on my skin and wind on my face, feel muscles burn, and my alveoli stretch. Today, to feel all that, felt oh so good. And today is such a BEAUTIFUL day!!!

I hope your day is going as lovely as mine.

Love, Yvette


Anonymous said...


I like the new site..been waiting!.Are those Garmonts shoes your are wearing??. Nice...I have been their a bunch of times @ night mainly for the topic meeting on Tuesdays and haven't seen you :( Well anyways good luck with the new site..
John in fresno

Yvette said...

Hey John!

I don't work Tuesdays, it's my family night. Kinda sucks sometimes because I have to miss all the clinics. I would have loved to see Scotty's presentation on Mt. Whitney tonight, but we were celebrating my sister's birthday.

Actually my shoes are Merrells. I love them. I took out the insoles and replaced them with Superfeet because my arches are spoiled by the support.

Anonymous said...


I use the Sole brand and have had good luck with them..I attended Scott's presentation...He is real good but the main topic is how to get a permit..I mean 75% of the class was just discussing the permit process. I did notice a few more yougin's in the crowd.. I believe this is because most yuoungin will "peak Bag" Whitney from the Eastside Portal area instead of backpacking in from this side. So what is Family Night?
It sounds Mormon since they have a "family Night"..Actually it isn't a bad idea...More should try it..Okay back to work..Hope to see you soon.

John In Fresno

Yvette said...

LOL, it does sound mormon, doesn't it? Nope, no FHE for me, just I have a big Mexican familia and we ladies get together once a week to gossip and basically stay in touch. My mom is one of 10, and I have 27 first cousins. Have you seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Substitue Mexican for Greek and you have my family!!!!!

And actually I'm going to try some Soles too, see which ones I like better.